Svajonė Kennels, Where Type is Essence.

Svajone's Till Lambs Become Lions
u'Owsla is such a special puppy to me. She is one of my first second generations and I could not be more excited to watch her grow up. She is the product of two of my favorite Beaucerons and the grand daugher to my heart and soul dog, Ki. She is visiting a dear friend, Lizzi, in Texas to get some foundational work away from home!
Bred By Svajone Kennels | July 21st, 2022
Sired By: Group Winning, Multiple Group Placing, MBISOH, MRBISOH, BISS, GCHB CH Stoique Cendre de la Noe d'Orient CA BCAT CGC, "Stoique". Visit Stoïque's page!
Out of: Group Placing, OH Group Winning, GCH CH Svajone's Restitution For Your Sins HT FDC CGC RN BCAT RATM CZ8B. Visit Revi's page!
Health Testing
Will do a proper evaluation at 2 years old, but we are liking what we see so far!
None Yet! We look forward to Rally, Herding, Conformation, and some barnhunt fun with her.